
In Costa Rica, the gray-cowled wood rail (Aramides cajaneus) is a striking and charismatic bird commonly found in wetlands, mangroves, and forest edges. Distinguished by its vivid plumage, this rail features a mix of gray, brown, and chestnut colors, with bright red eyes and long, sturdy legs that are well-suited for navigating its marshy habitat. Known for being elusive, gray-cowled wood rails are more often heard than seen, as they produce a distinctive series of loud, cackling calls, especially at dawn and dusk. These birds are omnivorous, feeding on a diverse diet of insects, small vertebrates, and plant matter, which they forage for in the mud and shallow water. Despite their secretive nature, they can occasionally be observed boldly strutting across trails or roads near their habitats. Their behavior and unique vocalizations make the gray-cowled wood rail a fascinating subject for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts exploring Costa Rica's rich biodiversity.

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